2010 TU


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CAT Member
I know the United is starting this weekend, wishing all of you going a safe and enjoyable road trip. Have a great time and for those of us to far away to make it please post pictures/videos when you get a chance.


Gold forum user
Pictures will be posted...? soon?!!


Bonnie and I drove back 8+ hrs today from Santa Rosa. Had a good time, safe trip in Black Tiger and have lots of pictures. Because of some problems with my laptop and other issues did not post anything from the event. Of course now I am back to work and have a full calender this week but will get something posted as I can.



Gold forum user
TU 32 Autocross

The Autocross was held Friday at a police driver training area on the NW side of the S.R. Airport.

Driving the course was fun because it was easy to find your way and focus on going quickly. All were offered 4 runs morning and 4 more after lunch. The pavement was city street like in layout with cone slalom and several chicanes to keep the speed reasonable.

Tom McDaniel (#47) had fast time of 48 something. He was challenged by Bill Martin in the black flared Tiger below and a few others. Most everyone else had to push to get times under a minute. It seemed mid to high 50's were the best we mere mortals could attain. Thanks to Patrick King for chairing the event.

Photos below are mine from the morning sessions except Bonnie took the last one. No pictures from the PM as we went wine tasting. More to come soon.
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Gold forum user
TU 32 Rally day

John Stithem Chaired Tigers United and also was the Rally Master. The Rally started on the morning of day2. We drove through the Sonoma County wine country back roads. Had a great time. I believe Patrick and Kelly King won.

Amongst the Tigers was the "Modified" '62 Harrington Alpine Le Mans of Larry & Penny Young which is pictured below and at the autocross in the previous post.

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CAT Member
Thanks for the pictures. Do you know if the car with the for sale sign sold ? What were they asking ?



Gold forum user

No I have no idea. I do not think the owner (did not meet him) was registered with TU32 and the morning of the Rally was the only time I saw it. The Tiger was gone later in the day after the Rally. Was in very rough shape.



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CAT Member
Tiger for sale

The Tiger at Tigers United was for sale for $13,000. There was a list of new parts to justify the price as many sellers do. In the picture you can see the ripples in the body behind the headlight doors. I think around the rear lights was similar. The drivers door was what looked like skim coated with bondo. Then it had severe cracking in the bondo. By comparison the Tiger that sold at Barrett Jackson for $28,000 was a steel.


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CAT Member
The Tiger at Tigers United was for sale for $13,000. There was a list of new parts to justify the price as many sellers do. In the picture you can see the ripples in the body behind the headlight doors. I think around the rear lights was similar. The drivers door was what looked like skim coated with bondo. Then it had severe cracking in the bondo. By comparison the Tiger that sold at Barrett Jackson for $28,000 was a steel.

13K or 31K?


New forum user
Tiger for sale at Tigers United

I saw the car also, and the asking price was $13k. The body and interior were rough, but as mentioned, there was a list of mechanical components that were restored or fixed.:cool:
Craig S.


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Jim Adams' Race Cars

Friday after the Rallye we did some more driving in the vineyards. That "Round Barn" is a Santa Rosa Landmark and right next to the Hilton S. R.

Jim Adams was featured at the banquet Friday night. Did not go to it but snapped these pictures of Jim being re-introduced to the Hollywood Sports Cars 55 Tiger. Also in the lot for this occasion was another Doane Spencer Jim A. racer from the early CanAm with #55. That wild Monza is featured cover story of Vintage Motorsport May/June 2010. Doane Spencer was also wrenching the Monza with Jim co-driving with owner Chris Cord. The Spencer eye for detail and craftsmanship was easy to see on each of the cars.

The woman in the Tiger with Jim is Doane's daughter Doana.


07/05/2010 added the TU XXXII Logo scanned dash plate.
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TU Concours Julliard Park S.R.

Sunday, also Father's Day, was great 70+ degrees and sunny. Julliard Park was shady and the approximately 50 Tigers and a couple other Rootes vehicles were a big attraction.

A surprise for most of us was that our Concours shared the park with an annual Father's Day car show. I thought that was a great idea because the locals enjoyed seeing so many rare Tigers at once and participating with a larger event gave us venders for food etc.

Another fun thing was to have a local Tiger owner who was attending the Father's Day show and who did not know about Tigers United. He expected to be the only Sunbeam! I recognized his Tiger "Funbeam" as the well traveled former Florida car of "Funbeam Chuck" Colley who drove it many miles to SUNI's and West Coast events too.



Gold forum user
Hey Rick

Nice pic of the red car ( mine, lol! ) Also nice pics of Ross Handy's black one. He sent me a pic of it around May 10 ( I hope he won't mind me posting it below ) so you can see he was 'burnin the midnight oil' to get it to the TU... nice also to see him get the popular vote!
There were actually a couple more 'unregistered' Tigers there on the Sunday. I heard that Norm M. and Rick ( from S.S. ) had dropped in for a bit in the afternoon but never saw them. It was great to be a part of the bigger car show... I've always liked 'park' shows the best. It's so much nicer to walk around on the grass than parking lots ! Is the weather always that perfect? lol

I just spent the last 11 days putting 1900 miles on the Tiger on a 'round the province tour with about 2 dozen other old English cars including one other Tiger. I was surprised that my 400hp/T5/3.54 rear combination got me 21+ (imperial) mpg vs. about 17 mpg for the other stock one...!
