re tacing a tiger


Bronze forum user
Howdy, I am currently in process of my tiger restoration to an extremely modified one. It had a tac number of 0616 with the triangular decal by the heater. The previous owner undercoated the entire car under the dash and over the sticker making it impossible to read. I tried to save it but the harder I worked to remove the undercoating the worse the situation got. The sticker was totally destroyed. I inquired the prior owner about the paperwork that came with the sticker, his reply was he lost it. This has so far been a seven year project and I think it will be complete in 2020. My question is where do I go from here to get this tiger back on tac, funny huh?:confused: Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if I am slow responding to anyone for I am very busy and will get back to you as quickly as I can.

at the beach

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CAT Member
TACing a Tiger in Reno

It's probably been ten years since a TAC event was held in Reno.
However this past June there was one held in Sacramento. That's about as close as they'll get as far as I can tell. But that's just my guess as I'm not in that area.

It takes a team of three inspectors to authenticate a Tiger. However they do not have to look at it at the same time.

In the SoCal area we regularly TAC cars at our monthly meetings. (We TAC'ed cars at our election meeting a week ago. But that won't help you,
assuming your car is in the Reno area.

It happens that some TAC inspectors occasionally visit family in the greater Reno area. (Gardnerville and NW Reno come to mind.) You may be able to catch some of these inspectors during their family visits and have them look at your car. Obviously your chances of success at coordinating these inspections increase if you can minimize the hassle that the volunteer inspectors have to go through. (hint: bringing the car to them versus them traveling to your location)


(TAC Inspector)


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CAT Member
TACing a Tiger in Reno

I will be in Gardnerville during the Thanksgiving weekend. I may also have a second Inspector staying with us at my daughters home. If this works for you, send me an email and I can try to set it up. Buck and Claudia also visit Reno on a frequent basis, but I don't know their schedule for that weekend.

I also did my due diligence and just found out your Tiger is currently in Ukiah, CA for bodywork. That puts it out of the way from my Thanksgiving travels. Now that I know the specific chassis, it will likely take a team of 3 Senior Inspectors to TAC your chassis because of the extensive modifications and repairs performed. It's not likely we can be of help to you until this chassis is in the Bay area or back in Reno.

Let me know when your Tiger is more available geographically.

Tom Hall, Senior TAC Inspector #1


Bronze forum user
Thanks for all of you for the info, the tiger is indeed at the body shop in Ukiah and definitely wont be in Reno for thanksgiving. I can take it to whatever location is necessary to have 3 inspectors look at it when the time comes. Does the car need to be complete or can it be tac certified with the engine/transmission out? Thanks in advance for the help and info needed.


Gold forum user
If your car has been previously Tac'd and the vin tag is still on the car with the original rivets you should be able to get a replacement certificate without having to go through a full blown tac again. Give Bill Martin a call he can help you with that problem.


at the beach

Gold forum user
CAT Member
Actually I believe that the information that Tom Hall and myself already gave about having the car re-inspected is correct. I doubt Bill Martin will contradict what we've already posted despite Moon Doggie's optimism.

Not to hijack the thread but in this day and age of more devious restorers, most have lessened the value placed on original looking rivets.

good luck,


Senior TAC inspector #33


Gold forum user

I have seen an looked at the list of TACed cars, gee hope I abbreviated that right :) Well on the list there are a bunch of cars that were reinspected and have as I recall higher digit certificate number and sticker. Really happy to see Tom pay a visit here and respond. At some time we should move this and retitle and add tags to make correct information easier to find. If there was a mission statement for an admin that'd be a good one.


Bronze forum user
Taking into account everything being said I believe the tac reinspection is the route to go. I am looking forward to meeting the inspectors when the time comes and again appreciate the input from the forum members. Thanks