Scratch built remote oil filter system


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CAT Member
I had an upside down oil filter adapter in the stock location that developed bad leaks in more than a few places so I decided to assemble a modern solution. As I was finishing up installation, I read the article that Tom Hall recently put out about relocating the oil filter to the left wheel well. If I had read the article first, I would probably have gone this route, but I wanted to try this first and develop it for people that don't have a stock filter arrangement, and/or do not want to cut holes in the inner fender well.
I sourced parts from British America Transfer in Sarasota ( Their company was listed in an article of Classic Motorsports Magazine where they overhauled a blue Tiger.
The engine block adapter I went with was the same that Tom used - Canton Racing 22-595. I bought that part on Amazon for $82.
The -10 'lightweight racing hose' from BAT is pricey, but I'm thankful not to have to deal with prickly SS sheathing. The AN fittings are spendy too, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't getting Chinese quality. I used two 90º fittings and two 60º fittings. I also used three straight 1/2" NPT to AN fittings and one 45º piece. The adapter plate is made from 5" x 1/4" flat stock. I made some templates with google sketchup and was able to come up with some usable dimensions.
I'm very happy with the Canton adapter - after a number of heat cycles, there are still no leaks. The hose was really easy to work with. I cut it with an angle grinder and after assembling the hoses, I swabbed everything out with some 40 caliber patches.
The installation was fairly straight forward and I'm satisfied with the result. I like that the oil filter doesn't drain after engine shut-down and is no longer oil oil starved for a few additional seconds to allow the filter to fill up.

I hope this helps!

Cheers, -Kevin







CAT Member
Scratch Built Remote Oil Filter

This setup looks great.
Just a word of caution, I believe the Canton 22-595 rotating filter adapter will not fit with the Sunbeam Specialty headers. I tried several different adapters and fitting combinations, but the only adapter I found that will fit with those headers is the Performance engineering race adapter sold by Dale's Restorations for about $160. As shown in the attached photo it will fit right under the header pipe.


View attachment 9180


Gold forum user
I have the same problem, I bought a low profile remote adapter however it does not fit with the headers. My best solution was to use the origional remote outlet and yes it clears. Still have to see how the pipes route. Also I cannot fit the filter where yours is, thats where my power steering pump fits.


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CAT Member
Good point Bill. I forgot to mention that I have CAT headers.
Cheers, -Kevin


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BAT parts no. for oil filter

Please let me know what BAT part no. is for the filter adaptor shown in your post. I'm in the process of restoring a 67 1A and will be using Sunbeam Specialties headers. Also I read that the Canto block adaptor will interfere with these headers. Any recomendations.


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CAT Member
The part number is RFH4L and is priced at roughly $27 USD. It is a cast part and I would describe it as average quality. I haven't had any problems but I understand that they will crack easily if overtightened.
I'm not sure what to suggest that will work with the SS headers, but I suggest that you find one that allows for mounting in any position vs a screw on arrangement. I had the screw on kind and it was not possible to achieve both the correct seal and orientation.
Cheers and welcome! -Kevin


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CAT Member
I just started mocking up the plumbing for my remote and ran into many odd problems. The front end upgrade moves the steering rack back and was going to use the Canton adapter as it uses -12 fittings, no go. I still had one of the Performance Engineering ones I had for another car (same as pictured above) and it might work and is about as low a profile adapter I have come across. It's a nice part as can do -10 or -8 fittings as I recall, mine has the -10's. I'll have to get some pics as I start to put some things together. I did a similar bracket with a Canton-mecca cartridge filter, hoping I can make it work.

Just about everything you expect to fit gets 'Tigered' in that something hits, blocks, or is in the way of doing anything easy :)

It's been fitted to the engine, but now need to see if it will all work. The bad part is the oil coolers lines are -12's and that's yet another small gotchaBng



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CAT Member
With the oil filter block interfering with the rack, would it make a difference if you used NPT-AN adapters that are 45° or 90° like Tom Hall uses? Even if you are left with the other adapter block that is an AN10, I would imagine there is a way of upsizing to AN12 as you wish.
Good luck! -Kevin


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CAT Member
I think the Performance Engineering may just work. I think what I will do is run the line from the adapter to the head mounted filter in -10 and the other end of the filter as -12 since they have replaceable fittings then out to the -12 to the cooler (which has welded on -12's). That's one side of the plumbing.

Then I found a couple of options, one is the simple -10 to -12 union so I can clear the steering racks input shaft by using the -10's out. OR ... a magical fix it fitting from a company called Fragola, which is -12 hose to -10 fitting. They also have the other way -10 host to -12 fitting so I'm just going to have to see whats makes sense. Or get a cooler with -10 fittings and be done :)

It's the over the top approach that often creates these odd problems for me, a nice size oil cooler with -10's would be way to easy, but I'll save that as admit defeat in my original plans ;)



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CAT Member
Good thinking Sandy. The AN hose ends can be pricey so be careful. When I finally had it all figured out, I had roughly $100 of extra ends and fittings. It's ok though as I hope to add an oil cooler someday and the spares may prove useful.
Cheers! -Kevin


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Bryan -

That is a nice part, looks like a nice tight fit :)



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CAT Member

made bracket of alum with 1/2 standoffs- no interference with steering


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With good comes bad, my rack on my aftermarket front end moves the rack back to the very front of the oil pan, and it's a tight fit getting the lines out of the adapter forward due to that. May have it figured out. Love seeing everyone's creative solutions, super helpful.
