1966 Sunbeam Tiger


Gold forum user
CAT Member
OBO Tiger

Maybe one of our Sandy Eggo bretheran can wander into mission gorge territory and poke it for a pulse ??


Gold forum user
I will call this morning and see if I can make an appointment. I have been so busy looking for old Lotus cars, twin cam engines and trying too sell my '70 Boss 302 I can't believe this one got past me.

I'M LOOSING MY TOUCH! At least now I know it isn't women making me loose my mind, I reckon it's old age.



Gold forum user
What can you tell from the pictures?

I see a few things that I question...
1)Steering wheel is either black or covered (did Alpines have all black steering wheels?)
2) Is listed as a '66 which would lead be to believe it is a Mk1A. I thought only earlier cars had the "Sunbeam" on the front. Also has the GT Door panels which would indicate an older car (MK1A) and some sort of seat inserts.
3) Rear view mirror looks square like the earlier cars
4) shifter looks tall and has a white knob.

As I am still a newbe to the Tiger world, I would appreciate any input (I am looking for something to keep be busy).


Gold forum user
Many UK and European cars were registered in the year they sold. Not in the year they were made.



Gold forum user
Little update.............there is no update. I called eight times and left two messages.............nothing.

I am wondering if this was a scam.............


Bronze forum user
CAT Member
Tiger for sale

No scam. I talked to wife of owner yesterday. They have had an enormous responce. She emailed me the following:

"Engine is original and good. Needs brakes and clutch and hydraulics.
Some rust on rear fenders. If you have any other questions please feel free to call (619) 589-7994 "

This is for sale by CAT member in San Diego. I talked to her about 4:00 pm Friday. Someone was there looking at the Tiger at that time. May be sold by now????


Gold forum user

Called him and have an appointment after a conversation this AM. He is not sure about the numbers on the car, and the car was a Cali. to Az to Idaho then Wash state and he got it in 1999. That is the trans and rear end numbers. Sounds medium on the rust, Not running over 2 years, and fenders replaced with a fair amount of bondo and previous repairs possibly why the lower price. Seemed to know major things about the car. Nice mature gentleman. Will advise and report if it is not up my alley.


Gold forum user
I emailed the first day but never got a response, that's probably better anyway according to my wife.


Gold forum user
Anybody visited in person?

Just wondering if anyone's visited the San Diego car yet.....if so, thoughts, impressions?


Gold forum user
I couldn't stand it............I called again this morning. Sold. Don't know who buyer was, didn't ask. Figured there was no point since it wasn't me.

I'm still stewing over this............six miles from the house.

really.....what the *%#+!............



Gold forum user
Nice Hood

The car is located in a very nice hood similar to my own. I have been to see the car twice. More later, but it is a twisty hilly hood with some great views. Hard to get there unless you have a Hal 9000 GPS like mine. It is not like there is thru or cross town traffic there. You should not be so hard on your self.


Gold forum user
Found a new home

After much persistence the Craigs Cat sold to me and my pal Lee.
He is the guy who asked me to help find hid old kitty he sold 30 odd years ago when family demanded a larger more practical car, never mind Lee said the car would have killed him with its bias belted Positraction Torque Twisters.

After getting the seller to agree to the sale it went down on Friday. I probably would have added it to my project que, but did the right thing and passed the deal on to Lee. If I had a larger garage I would have hoarded the car. A 64 Bug conv. a 64 Falcon Convt a 66 Mk1a and several motorcycles and toy collector Schwinns are too many toys.

I will be inviting Lee to the group here, he has a few Oldsmoblie 442's and I know him from a cycle club.

The car is a project to be sure but should be up and running before the new year. I will ask Lee if he minds me posting pics of the car.

In comparison to the last few that were on and off E pay listed and re sold then listed again it is good to close one. There was the thrill of the chase to be sure. I feel like a poor but happy what's his name chasing classic cars?


Silver forum user
I was hunting that too. New to the group and have become obsessed with finding the right Tiger to bring back to life. Anyone out there thinking of parting with their project or know of one out there let me know.


Gold forum user
Sitting with the seller

When sitting in the house the phone was still ringing and the antique phone machine was belching out the messages, making it really impossible to niggle and work the seller.

The car is quite solid by Model T standards, meaning no holes. To be more exact a buck knife could not be pushed thru the worst parts of the rocker panels. It lived less than 3 miles from the San Diego salty water, but behind a home and block wall protecting it from the prevailing wind and sea spray. About 3 blocks away was a 1966 912 that I could not go knock on the door to ask about. It has a 6' by 8" rust stain down the concrete drive, VERY SAD

I will post some pics as that is what we do for fun, look at old rust with an open mind and wallet.


Gold forum user

I did not scoop the BON. I could never pay that kind of money for a book. The seller said that he got 1000 bucks for it.

According to the seller I was number 2 in line for the car and number 1 was a fella from LA area who's wife was in the movie/tv industry. The seller said other buyers, also tried the old " I am going to rebuild this as a father son project"

This may have worked with another seller as this guy said he bought this white re paint at auction to replace a car he had when he was 25 bought brand new then wrecked TOTALED, also a white car.

It is funny how much the same we all can be the same and have similar stories. The new caretaker of the car was in the same position, but sold his old car before youthful craziness destroyed it and now finally has another.